Stratigraphic Units


Excavation Year
SU Type
Formation Process
Layer Distinguished By
Photo Numbers
Photomodel Numbers
Plan Numbers
Section Numbers
Approximate Date of Layer
Date of Layer Observations
Stratigraphical Reliability
Confidence in Interpretation
Contamination Risk

Record Events

Filled Out By
Revised By
Filled Out On
Revised On
SU Opened On
SU Closed On


Class Frequency Details
Mortar Rare
Pottery Frequent
Tiles Frequent

Soil Matrix


Clarity of Limits

Northern Limit
Southern Limit
Western Limit
Eastern Limit
Depth Limit
Clarity of Limits Notes

Stratigraphic Sequence

Observations and Descriptions



Excavation Method
Excavation Conditions


Cut Shape in Plan
Cut Top - BOS
Cut Base - BOS
Cut Sides
Cut Orientation
Cut Dimensions

Structural Remains

Structure Type

Building Technique

Bonding Material
Number of Coursings
Wall Facing

Related architectural features

Environmental Samples

Sample Type


Unknown Date Marzuolo Archaeologist

Continuation down of 18023, distinguished from 18023 based on being below the level of 18030. Dense packing of tile and large amphora shards. Occasional patches of mortar, but substantially less than 18037. Lower levels had more fist-sized stones and less amphora. Large stones towards the bottom level seem to be from wall collapse - most prevalent in the corner of 18016/18015.

Faunal Register

Bulk Finds

Finds Observations
Finds Storage Notes
Bulk Finds
Class Count Weight (g) Details
Other 1 172 Piece of pumice. Secondarily burnt?
Totals 1 172

Special Finds


Ceramics Assemblage Condition
Ceramics Condition Comments
Ware Whole Vessels Rims Handles Bases Walls Total Weight (g) Selected for Study Fabric Function Raw Material Object Shape Original Condition Fresh Breaks Very Rounded Edges Notes Code
coarse ware 1 1 7 0 Craft Production Clay Unclear shape. Vetrified
coarse ware 1 1 237 1 Kitchen Ware Clay Pan; complete profile preserved 4b2
coarse ware 1 1 128 0 Kitchen Ware Clay Lid 4b2
coarse ware 1 3 4 97 0 Kitchen Ware Clay One bears a horizontal groove on exterior body 4b2
coarse ware 1 1 49 1 Clay Jar 4b2
coarse ware 4 4 430 3 Household Production Clay Basin; two refittable fragments
coarse ware 1 5 4 21 31 517 1 Clay 2 handles fragments refittable. Rim fragment refittable with fragment from 18032
coarse ware 1 1 37 0 Architecture Clay Brick
coarse ware 2 2 525 0 Architecture Clay Cover tile
coarse ware 2 4 6 1121 Architecture Clay Tile One strongly burnt
coarse ware 15 9 6 64 94 16076 19 Transport Clay Amphora Different fabrics: 1) fine fabric with pinkish core and whitish exterior, somewhat depurated - also coarser variant of the same, which is somewhat more yellow on the surface. 2) Gritty/sandy orange fabric; 3) depurated light pinkish fabric (rim - skin colour); 4) orange fabric with many small black inclusions; 5) Orange fabric, well-sorted with many shiny small inclusions (Dressel 2-4?); 6) Whitish/yellow fabric, coarse, also somewhat less coarse variant. Multiple refits possible. 3 spike fragments refittable, as well as 6 rim fragments 4c3
depurated ware 1 1 4 0 Utilities Clay Oil lamp
depurated ware 5 5 15 0 Clay
depurated ware 1 1 7 1 Table Ware Clay Jug 4d1
pompeian red ware 1 1 66 1 Kitchen Ware Clay Pan
terra sigillata 4 4 191 1 Table Ware Clay Three refittable fragments 4f
Totals 1 25 15 15 102 158 19507 28



Ceramics Study






















Connected Forms



SU18036: view toward the east