. This is dark brown layer of platy hard silty clay threaded with charcoal that looks very much lit the site’s natural except for a few anthropomorphic inclusions (a few bits of building material, pottery, and bone were found). We dug a small sondage against the southern profile wall [Fig. 3] in Trench 3A to determine its depth. 29 cm down, we felt that the inclusions were so rare and the clay so dense that we had finally hit natural (SU10164). We interpret the top of 10158 as an original ‘walking layer’ upon which 10156 was laid to level it out before building the pebbled floor (10153).
This layer looks almost clayey and chocolatey enough to be natural, but there is all of this charcoal... maybe an interface layer? We will take it down in the NW corner of TR3A to find out.