Anna Maria observed in 2017 that the smaller chunks of clay appeared to be different material from the daub fragments. This tracks, the, if this clay debris comes from bricks, and explains how superstructures of walls were built.
Part of the collapse event of workshop; cooked clay fragments are most likely remains of broken and degraded bricks from op. ret walls, which became extra friable when exposed to extreme heat of the fire. Contained other construction materials (cocciopesto, stone, tile). Few material artifacts also indicate we are still in collapse. Note: broken up chunks of cooked clay found inside rooms in 2017 are very similar to this SU and should be reinterpreted as brick wall collapse, not dumping or levelling as was initially thought.
SU 17181; view toward north-north-east
SU 17181; view to east-south-east
17181 removed; view to south-south-west