Orange deposits could perhaps have resulted from the heating of soils due to metalworking activity in 17216 (potential forge?). Perhaps we could retroactively distinguish collapse-orange from mrtalworking-orange by the presence of roiftiles, brick chunks and other building materials? The orange has been consistent, if patchy in the northern section since the beginning of manual excavation.
Could be a continuation of the mudbrick above or an interface transitioning into a new layer (floor?). The presence of a statuette, coin, and axe head suggests that we are getting closer to occupational layers
SU 17211: opening photo, view toward the east.
SU 17211: opening photo, view toward the north.
SU 17211: detail of SU 17211 in progress, view toward the east.
SU 17211: detail of SU 17211 in progress, view toward the southeast.