With the discovery of the actual bottom of this feature as an undulating and unclear boundary it seems unlikely that 17213 could have been deposited onto a surface. it is more probable that 17214 was dug out of some surface and then filled with 17213. The feature could still function as a surface for a pedestal. Given the clay lens halfway down into 17213, it is possible that the clay lens indicates the level of a surface and this feature has numerous phases associated with different floor surfaces? Maybe?
Interpreted as a deposit that was intentionally placed to act as the support surface for an object/piece of furniture that rested on top. It would have created a buffer between the object and the beaten earth floor so that the weight of the object above wouldnt have damaged the floor surface. This deposit could have been built up on top of a lower floor surface, or been dug into an upper floor surface.
Fill of cut 17214. Contained mortar and ash. Very shallow. Function unclear.
Potentially a cut deposit? Could also be degraded limestone or degraded mortar of sone kind.
SU 17213: opening photo of feature, view toward the west.
SU 17213: bisected feature, view toward the northwest.
SU 17213: in progress photo of feature, view toward the west.
SU 17213: view toward the west.
SU 17213: feature in progress, view toward the north.
SU 17213: closing photo, bottom of feature, view toward the east.