Stamp, Tile fragment with partial stamp 'CD'
Nail, Small and thin iron nail shaft, bent
Nail, medium sized iron nail, shaft bent at tail
Nail, tail section of lead nail with bend at the tail, very light
Nail, medium thickness iron nail
Nail, squared, straight nail shaft with kink towards tail
Metal Fragment, small piece of iron wire
Nail, small section of iron nail shaft
Unknown, Iron object shaped like hinge
Nail, wobbly nail shaft
Pendant, Bronze leaf-shaped pendant
Metal Fragment, small piece of bent wire
Unknown, Flat curved bronze object
Metal Object, metal wire twisted to form loop, modern
Nail, small section of iron nail shaft
Unknown, small, curved bronze object resembling the lip of a vessel
Nail, section of square iron nail shaft
Tack, small iron tack with large rounded head
Nail, Small iron nail with narrow shaft
Nail, medium sized iron nail shaft, bent at tail
Pin, Small piece of bronze with narrow tapered shaft and curved head (hinge?), perhaps fibula pin
Metal Fragment, Small piece of iron
Vessel Fragment, Bronze object, possibly part of a vessel wall
Unknown, Iron object shaped like peg
Nail, Medium sized iron nail with narrow shaft, tapered towards the tail, with flat, large head
Unknown, Flat, rounded piece of bronze with a small stud, possibly decoration for clothing or a bridle
Nail, short iron nail
Nail, Long straight iron nail with tapered shaft
Architectural Element, Stamped brick showing left edge of a rounded letter (possibly "C")
Unknown, Two bronze flakes
Tack, Small iron tack with rounded head
Nail, Medium sized iron nail with right angle bend at center
Unknown, Tiny bronze flake
Unknown, Long, bent iron shaft of regular width
Coin, Bronze coin
Nail, Wobbly nail shaft, part of a long nail
Unknown, Small bronze spoon, possibly used for holding perfume
Coin, Bronze coin