Drystone wall built of local limestone bond with clay in a technique similar to 22007, 22002, 21046, 21081. As I had previously suspected, the plateau appears to slope up toward the West, which means that the preservation in this western zone is poor. Only 1-2 courses of the wall were preserved, and based on the vertical position of the stones in the lowest course, these were set in a foundation trench cut into the natural clay 22018. This means that in Trench 1, we only had ca. 30 cm of dump (?) preserved over the surface, and this wall was heavily disturbed by plough activity. The wall appears to be in phase with 22007, 22002, 22046, and 22081.
This wall is composed of local limestones without mortar, and was built into the natural reddish-brown clay deposits found in Areas 21000 and 22000. This building technique is different from any of the other walls in this area, and comparable to 21003's lower courses. -EAV