Dry-stone wall constructed with local limestones. Wall has a double-face of large stones bonded with mortar with smaller stones filling the center. The wall may continue under 22019 to the west and equal 21046 under 22020 and 21003 to the east but the wall breaks just outside Trench 1's eastern limit. The break may have been caused by plough activity, as it aligns with a break in wall 22002 and a break in 21005. The wall was built into natural 22017 and 22018, but the we were unable to detect the cut. This wall likely represents phase 1 of the structure, which appears to have been reconstructed in phase 2. Tiles were placed (22019) to create an even surface and the stone socle was rebuilt with white mortar (22020 = 21003).
This is a wall composed of local limestones and sealed in without mortar. The separation between 22007 and 22020 implies that this section of the wall was built in a later period than 22020, and that they feature different construction techniques. -EAV