Stratigraphic Units


Excavation Year
SU Type
Formation Process
Layer Distinguished By
Photo Numbers
Photomodel Numbers
Plan Numbers
Section Numbers
Approximate Date of Layer
Date of Layer Observations
Stratigraphical Reliability
Confidence in Interpretation
Contamination Risk

Record Events

Filled Out By
Revised By
Filled Out On
Revised On
SU Opened On
SU Closed On


Class Frequency Details
Collapse Debris
Metal Frequent Iron nails, various sizes
Pottery Frequent TS, cooking ware, storage jar fragments epecially during second pass of deposit
Slag Frequent Various concentrations throughout layer but especially towards middle of the trench
Tiles Frequent First pass of deposit tiles are positioned vertically, while in second pass tiles appear horizontally; final depth of collapse layer?
Other Wattle imprints

Soil Matrix


Clarity of Limits

Northern Limit
Southern Limit
Western Limit
Eastern Limit
Depth Limit
Clarity of Limits Notes

Stratigraphic Sequence

Observations and Descriptions



Excavation Method
Excavation Conditions


Cut Shape in Plan
Cut Top - BOS
Cut Base - BOS
Cut Sides
Cut Orientation
Cut Dimensions

Structural Remains

Structure Type

Building Technique

Bonding Material
Number of Coursings
Wall Facing

Related architectural features

Environmental Samples

Sample Type


2024-07-25 Marzuolo Archaeologist

Approximately 15 cm deeper, we came upon a more compact clayey silty orange-gray layer – SU10137 – packed densely with tile fragments, pottery, large pieces of charcoal, pieces of ceramic storage containers, and slag. This layer also included a variety of iron nails. Also in this layer, we found medium-sized chunks of daub with wattle impressions (some kept for testing). Several roof tiles (one of which carried a stamp: ]CP[ were concentrated in vertical and horizontal positions along the south-eastern portion of the trench along the eastern half of SU10138. Based on the large amounts of roof tiles (and their haphazard positioning), daub, and charcoal, we interpreted this layer the roof of the portico collapsing into the courtyard space. At this point, we still considered SU10138 to be a low wall of some kind. Upon our second pass of SU10137, we noticed that the slag (mainly ceramic, but some metal) was mainly concentrated in the central area of the trench. We especially sampled PCB (hearth bottom) slag as a special find so that their placement could be recreated in digital space later on. Other special finds included a ceramic loom weight, several iron objects (tools and fittings?), a bronze fibulae, a whetstone, and three coins (all bronze Augustan asses). We are interpreting this layer as part-collapse, but that doesn’t explain the density and depth of this diverse material.

2024-07-09 Marzuolo Archaeologist

We thought at first that this layer of scattered, broken up dense finds and tile was a result of deposition to level an area. However, the high numbers of iron nails, iron objects, and copper alloy bits indicates that this might have been a destruction layer of debris lying beneath an already removed SU of brick, charcoal, and roof tiles (RPP removed?).

Unknown Date Marzuolo Archaeologist

Collapse layer roof portico? Large amounts of roof tiles, charcoal and nails; materials related to construction technique roof?

Unknown Date Marzuolo Archaeologist

Three coins come from this SU. The Augustan ass came from higher up in the SU and right along the divide between Trench 3 and the backfill area dug by MZ 2017 (NE extent).

Faunal Register

Bulk Finds

Finds Observations
Finds Storage Notes
Bulk Finds

Special Finds

Coin, Coin

Slag, Slag

Metal Object, Metal object

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Metal Object, Iron object

Slag, PCB slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Nail, Nail

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Nail, Nail

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Nail, Nail

Slag, Slag

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Slag, Slag

Nail, Nail

Tack, Tack

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Metal Object, Metal object

Metal Object, Metal object

Metal Fragment, Sheet

Slag, PCB slag

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Metal Object, Metal tool

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Metal Fragment, Metal fragments

Metal Object, Metal object

Nail, Nail

Nail, 10137

Nail, Nail

PCB slag

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Metal fragment

Coin, Coin

Bone Object, Worked bone

Nail, Nail

Slag, PCB slag

Slag, Slag

Nail, Nail

Metal Object, Metal object

Slag, PCB slag

Metal Fragment, Sheet

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Metal Object, Metal object

Metal Object, Metal object

Metal Object, Metal object

Metal Object, Metal object

Nail, Nail

Slag, Slag

Slag, PCB slag

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Bone Fragment, Worked bone


Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Slag, Slag

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Metal Object, Metal object

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Tack, Tack

Metal Object, Metal object

Metal Object, Metal object

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Nail, Nail

Metal Object, Metal object

Metal Object, Metal object

Fibula, Fibula

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Bone Object, Worked stone

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment


Ceramics Assemblage Condition
Ceramics Condition Comments



Ceramics Study

Connected Forms


