Stratigraphic Units


Excavation Year
SU Type
Formation Process
Layer Distinguished By
Photo Numbers
Photomodel Numbers
Plan Numbers
Section Numbers
Approximate Date of Layer
Date of Layer Observations
Stratigraphical Reliability
Confidence in Interpretation
Contamination Risk

Record Events

Filled Out By
Revised By
Filled Out On
Revised On
SU Opened On
SU Closed On


Class Frequency Details
Coins Medium
Glass Rare
Mortar Rare One big chunch of mortar found in northwestern part of trench
Nails Frequent
Pottery Frequent TS dishes, cookware, redware, amphora, dolia, etc
Slag Frequent Metal slag bulk sampled, pcb slag documented as special find
Animal Bones

Soil Matrix


Clarity of Limits

Northern Limit
Southern Limit
Western Limit
Eastern Limit
Depth Limit
Clarity of Limits Notes

Stratigraphic Sequence

Observations and Descriptions



Excavation Method
Excavation Conditions


Cut Shape in Plan
Cut Top - BOS
Cut Base - BOS
Cut Sides
Cut Orientation
Cut Dimensions

Structural Remains

Structure Type

Building Technique

Bonding Material
Number of Coursings
Wall Facing

Related architectural features

Environmental Samples

Sample Type


2024-07-24 Marzuolo Archaeologist

This is a very thick layer dense with archaeological material. It seems too thick and homogenous with materials scattered across the SU to be an activity layer. SU10148 (lying beneath SU10137) was a brownish grey medium granular compact layer of clayey silt. Frequent finds include pottery (especially Terra Sigillata), iron nails, slag, animal bones, glass (rare), and mortar (rare). Special finds include PCB, coins, iron objects (knives, fittings, etc.), and bronze objects (a ring, a few fibulae, and some sheet fragments). The team’s ceramic specialist – Gijs Tol – noted that the pottery coming out of SU10148 was all contemporaneous and that a certain kind of ware from Rome was particularly frequent. The team thus hypothesized that this could be evidence of a shop space with pottery displayed for sale. This would also explain the vast array of other objects including metal (knives) and glass (bottles). Perhaps this courtyard shop functioned as a catch-all kitchen store.

Faunal Register

Bulk Finds

Finds Observations
Finds Storage Notes
Bulk Finds

Special Finds

Nail, Nail

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Slag, Slag

Architectural Element, Tile

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Nail, Nail

Metal Object, Metal object

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Nail, Nail

Metal Fragment, Nail

Metal Fragment, Metal fragments

Slag, Slag

Slag, PCB slag

Architectural Element, Tile

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Nail, Nail

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Glass Object, Rod

Slag, Slag

Nail, Nail

Slag, Slag

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Metal Fragment, Metal fragment

Slag, Slag

Metal Object, Bronze object

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Slag, Slag

Ring, Ring

Metal Object, Iron object

Nail, Nail

Architectural Element, Tile - Opus reticulatum

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Metal Object, Bronze object

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Slag, Slag

Metal Fragment, Iron fragment

Metal Object, Iron object

Metal Fragment, Iron fragment

Architectural Element, Tile - Opus reticulatum

Metal Object, Iron object

Bone Object, Small piece of worked bone


Nail, Nail

Metal Object, Bronze object

Slag, PCB slag

Fibula, Fibula

Metal Object, Bronze object

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Metal Object, Lead object

Coin, Bronze coin

Architectural Element, Tile - opus reticulatum

Metal Fragment, Copper rod

Slag, PCB slag

Metal Object, Iron object

Nail, Nail

Slag, Slag

Metal Object, Iron tool

Metal Object, Bronze object

Tack, Tack

Metal Object, Iron object

Slag, PCB slag

Metal Object, Copper object

Slag, Slag

Coin, Bronze coin

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Metal Fragment, Copper fragment

Nail, Nail

Slag, PCB slag

Slag, PCB slag

Game Piece, Gaming piece?

Metal Object, Copper object

Nail, Nail

Slag, PCB slag

Nail, Nail

Coin, Bronze coin

Game Piece, Gaming piece?

Metal Fragment, Copper alloy fragments

Fibula, Fibula

Coin, Bronze coin

Slag, PCB slag

Slag, PCB slag

Nail, Nail

Metal Object, Iron object

Nail, Nail

Nail, Nail

Metal Object, Iron tool

Slag, PCB slag

Nail, Nail

Slag, Slag

Metal Fragment, Iron fragment


Ceramics Assemblage Condition
Ceramics Condition Comments



Ceramics Study

Connected Forms

