SU10153 is a pebbled floor consisting of small to medium smooth pebbles and this seems to have been the main pavement in the courtyard space. It doesn’t seem to extend across Trench 3 into Trench 3A and some of Trench 3B. Possibly this is due to later repair activities where there is a shift to SU1056 at the same level. We think the floor’s original limits have been disturbed because its edges are very irregular in the north and west, but it continues beneath SU10138 where it equalizes with SU10160. The pebble floor has an elevation of 112.58 and the blacksmith workshop floor (SU17053) is 112.57, so we believe this pebbled courtyard was in use during the same period. The MAP team identifies SU17053 as being within the first half of the 1st century AD and the coins found in SU10153 also support this date.