This cut appears to have been cut for a "fire pit". 15046 is filled by two distinct contexts, which are very likely related. The earliest chronological fill is 15047, at the southern edge of the bottom of the cut. 15047 is powdery lime with small chunks of lime. This is often used as fuel for high intensity fires. Overlying 15047 and overflowing the cut is the fill context 15045. 15045 is a dark brown/black, ashy, fine grained deposit, likely due to a burning event/fire. The cut 15046 is cut through layers 15044 and 15048; the bottom is bounded by 15044 on the north side of the cut and 15053 on the south side of the cut. (ELM, CB, MP)
SU 15046: cut filled by SU 15045; view toward west