This SU extended into the pedestal in the NW corner of Room B. The deposit was originally interpreted as an interface between Phase 3 wall collapse and the destruction strata of Phase 2. Upon further reflection, the amount of degraded cocciopesto, displaced floor tiles from the pavements above, and stones and tiles from the "packing" layer below suggests that this may represent a floor, heavily damaged by plough activity except in the NW corner where the cocciopesto is better preserved.
Interface below 20089, the collapse associated with wall 20023=17002, and 20094, the layer full of displaced floor prep with spiccatum, diamonds, cocciopesto. This layer, like the ones over it, has been disturbed by plough activity. removal of this SU allowed us to clarify extents of the pise wall collapse associated with 17012.
SU 20093: view toward the south
SU 20093: view toward the east
SU 20093: Detail of 20093; view toward the north
SU 20093: detail of SU 20093 in the eastern half of the trench, view toward the north